Weekly Events

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Atlantis Portsmouth

FNM: Commander

Fridays at 8:30 PM EST

FNM: Draft

Fridays at 7:30 PM EST

Commander League

Sundays at 12:00 PM EST

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Atlantis Norfolk

FNM: Draft

Fridays at 7:30 PM EST

FNM: Commander

Fridays at 8:00 PM EST

Saturday Standard Showdown

Saturdays at 1:00 PM EST

Modern Tournament

Sundays at 1:00 PM EST

Browse Singles By Set

Expansion Sets

Aether Revolt (AER) Alara Reborn (ARB) Alliances (ALL)
Amonkhet (AKH) Antiquities (ATQ) Apocalypse (APC)
Arabian Nights (ARN) Avacyn Restored (AVR) Battle for Zendikar (BFZ)
Battlebond (BBD) Betrayers of Kamigawa (BOK) Bloomburrow (BLB)
Born of the Gods (BNG) Champions of Kamigawa (CHK) Chronicles (CHR)
Coldsnap (CSP) Conflux (CON) Dark Ascension (DKA)
Darksteel (DST) Dissension (DIS) Dominaria (DOM)
Dominaria United (DMU) Dragon's Maze (DGM) Dragons of Tarkir (DTK)
Duskmourn: House of Horror (DSK) Eldritch Moon (EMN) Eventide (EVE)
Exodus (EXO) Expeditions (EXP) Fallen Empires (FEM)
Fate Reforged (FRF) Fifth Dawn (5DN) Future Sight (FUT)
Gatecrash (GTC) Guildpact (GPT) Guilds of Ravnica (GRN)
Homelands (HML) Hour of Devastation (HOU) Ice Age (ICE)
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths (IKO) Innistrad (ISD) Innistrad: Crimson Vow (VOW)
Innistrad: Double Feature (DBL) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt (MID) Invasion (INV)
Ixalan (XLN) Journey into Nyx (JOU) Judgment (JUD)
Kaladesh (KLD) Kaldheim (KHM) Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty (NEO)
Khans of Tarkir (KTK) Legends (LEG) Legions (LGN)
Lorwyn (LRW) March of the Machine: The Aftermath (MAT) March of the Machines (MOM)
Mercadian Masques (MMQ) Mirage (MIR) Mirrodin (MRD)
Mirrodin Besieged (MBS) Morningtide (MOR) Murders at Karlov Manor (MKM)
Nemesis (NEM) New Phyrexia (NPH) Oath of the Gatewatch (OGW)
Odyssey (ODY) Onslaught (ONS) Outlaws of Thunder Junction (OTJ)
Phyrexia: All Will be One (ONE) Planar Chaos (PLC) Planechase (HOP)
Planechase 2012 (PC2) Planechase Anthology (PCA) Planeshift (PLS)
Prophecy (PCY) Ravnica Allegiance (RNA) Ravnica: City of Guilds (RAV)
Renaissance (REN) / Rinascemento (RIN) Return to Ravnica (RTR) Rise of the Eldrazi (ROE)
Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) Saviors of Kamigawa (SOK) Scars of Mirrodin (SOM)
Scourge (SCG) Shadowmoor (SHM) Shadows over Innistrad (SOI)
Shards of Alara (ALA) Streets of New Capenna (SNC) Strixhaven: School of Mages (STX)
Stronghold (STH) Tempest (TMP) The Brother's War (BRO)
The Dark (DRK) The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth (LTR) Theros (THS)
Theros Beyond Death (THB) Throne of Eldraine (ELD) Time Spiral (TSP/TSB)
Time Spiral Remastered (TSR) Torment (TOR) Universes Beyond: Assassin's Creed (ACR)
Urza's Destiny (UDS) Urza's Legacy (ULG) Urza's Saga (USG)
Visions (VIS) War of the Spark (WAR) Weatherlight (WTH)
Worldwake (WWK) Zendikar (ZEN) Zendikar Rising (ZNR)